B/C ↔ 240m ↑ 120m ⏱ 50min vf / 2h total
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This via ferrata route was opened to the public in May 2021 and it is located in Varghis Gorges, Harghita county. The name “Soim Calator” means peregrine falcon.
- 10 lei gorges entry fee, 25 lei parking; no extra charge for the via ferrata
- Length 240m
- Vertical climb 120m
- Difficulty B/C
- GPS access / Parking 46°12’33.1″N 25°32’50.1″E or 46.209199,25.547236 (geo)
- GPS Start Via Ferrata 46°13’17.5″N 25°32’33.3″E or 46.221540,25.542590 (geo)
- Access hiking duration: 30 min
- Via ferrata duration: 50 min
- Return hiking duration: 40 min
- Total time: 2h
- Children under 14 can go on this route only supervised and accompanied by an experienced adult
- Best time: April – October, except for when it’s rainy and the rocks become slippery
Access: The via ferrata can be accessed from both ends of the gorges. We tested the access from Varghis village only, which we will cover here.
Arrive by car up to the tourist info point at 46°12’33.1″N 25°32’50.1″E (46.209199,25.547236), right outside the entry of the gorges. From here you follow the hiking path marked with a yellow stripe, which at first overlaps with the trail marked with a blue cross. From where the two markings split, you keep following the yellow stripe trail upwards, through the woods above the river bed, for about 10 more minutes. The starting cable is visible from the trail, to your right.
Length of via ferrata route: 240m. Vertical climb: 120m.
Difficulty: we propose the grade B/C (medium). Grades are from A (very easy) to E (extreme). The board at the start states C/D for difficulty but from our past experience on other routes, this route felt more like B/C, with a few exposed sections. Other people confirmed the route being easier than C/D.
Duration for the via ferrata route: approximately 50 minutes.
Prices (2024): 50 lei for parking, climbing the route is free.
Mandatory gear: alpine helmet, alpine harness, via ferrata set. Optionally, gloves.
Return trail: Downwards through the woods for about 10 minutes back to the trail marked with a yellow stripe, which you can follow to the starting point.
Wheater: Meteoblue Meresti, Harghita / Viewweather Varghis, Covasna.
Emergency calls: 0-SALVAMONT, which is actually +40.725.826.668, or 112, the European all around emergency number. GPS coordinates for localization: 46°13’17.5″N 25°32’33.3″E.

- We climbed this route
- https://visitharghita.com/en/places/via-ferrata-soim-calator
thank you for the information
You’re welcome!
Thank you for all the information. 🙂
Is it possible to rent the equipment on-site? Is there any contact available?
Hi! Another person reported that he rented equipment from Salvamont: +4 0741 919 374 (Ludovic Munteanu).
Do you make organized trips to the via ferrata?
We are 3 people who wants to do it next week.
Thank you
Hi! We’re not guides, just fans of ferrata. I replied to your email with a few recommendations based on the extra info you sent. Hope it helps.
Is the route suitable for travelers without experience on the Via Ferrata? Is it recommended to go on it for the first time on the Via Ferrata? Is there an option for a personal guide?
Hi! I can’t recommend this route as the first experience on a via ferrata, on your own, without a guide or an experienced friend who is also able to evaluate your abilities.
I don’t personally know of any guides in the area, but you could ask the local mountain rescue unit, Salvamont Covasna. Maybe they can recommend a good guide.